Research at Central University of Europe
Due to the status of Kutaisi University, scientific research activity is a priority of special importance for it, because only in the conditions of generating new knowledge, sharing the latest scientific trends and having a full-fledged research infrastructure, the university can function perfectly.
The mission of Kutaisi University declares the priorities of strengthening the academic community at the local level, promoting the generation and sharing of new knowledge. The strategic development document establishes a vision according to which the university should provide:
- possibility to implement research projects of regional, national and international significance, generation and dissemination of new knowledge;
- To become an expert center of regional and national scale, which will contribute to the sharing of accumulated knowledge with the general public and the process of democratization and economic reconstruction of the state.
In its research strategy, Kutaisi University is committed to promoting the implementation and development of the principles of responsible and open science - open access to research data, scientific publications and research methods, as well as the use of open source code, standards and interfaces in research. It uses open publishing tools to increase the impact of research, development and innovation (RDI). Research data prepared at the university, scientific publications and abstracts, as well as research methods used are public and open; Collected, organized and described research data are open for search and reuse, increasing the scientific value of researchers. Open publication and systematic data management are important research skills. Kutaisi University highly values these skills and supports their development.
Kutaisi University ensures that the processes, information and support systems, guiding norms allow the realization of FAIR (Findability-Accessibility-Interoperability-Reusability) principles in research activities.
Kutaisi University confirms its support and commitment to the principles of the Budapest and Berlin declarations of open access , the publication of open access publications in its published journal, including in the form of placement in an electronic archive on the website, open hidden double peer review, Creative Commons open access license copyright system.
Kutaisi University takes care to engage in measures to promote the development of scientific-research infrastructure compatible with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) , both at the national and local levels, which is particularly important in the path of integration with the common European space and which will allow the scientific community to share and process research results and data .
Kutaisi University adheres to FAIR principles in its publishing activities. The university actively promotes the development of open publishing solutions, including the publication of publications in its journal under the Platinum Open Access rule , which means that the publisher does not receive money from the authors and the publication is open access.
Kutaisi University pays great attention to the observance of ethical norms and standards in research activities. A document of ethical guidelines for research activities in social sciences has been developed, which is based on current norms, relevant European legislation, international conventions and declarations, recognizes and corresponds to the spirit of ethical norms and principles, ethical rules and standards adopted in the European research space. The purpose of the ethics guidelines is to promote free, reliable research, development of best scientific practices, promotion of ethical judgment and reflection, clarification of ethical dilemmas, promotion of responsible research and prevention of misconduct in the research activities carried out in the social sciences at Kutaisi University and its subdivisions.
Kutaisi University pays great attention to the production of research on current, innovative issues, as well as to the use and implementation of the latest achievements, methods in research activities. The University's policy on artificial intelligence provides for the security of artificial intelligence systems and its compliance with applicable legislation on fundamental human rights and values; formation of a legal environment for the promotion of investments and innovations in the field of artificial intelligence; To support the development of a market for legitimate, safe and reliable AI applications.
One of the goals of research at Kutaisi University is the availability of scientific knowledge for the benefit of society. Transfer of knowledge is one of the main duties of the university. To this end, Kutaisi University strives to widely use and disseminate ideas and technologies from research, including for commercial purposes. The transfer of knowledge and technologies at Kutaisi University aims to transfer the intellectual property derived from academic activities to a wide base of society as efficiently as possible.
The purpose of the intellectual property policy of Kutaisi University is to support the university's scientists and academic staff in the creation and development of new knowledge, to protect the interests of the university, its subdivisions and all employees in these matters, to regulate the dissemination of research results and their availability, including use through licensing, alienation or commercialization . Protection of intellectual and industrial property rights is, among other things, a measure of the university's creativity and activity and one of the tools to strengthen its positive public image.
Kutaisi University considers the principle of equality as one of the main characteristics of the quality of teaching and science. Ensuring equal opportunities, eliminating discrimination and inculcating a culture of respect for diversity form an essential basis for implementing these principles in research, teaching and university management. Kutaisi University expresses its commitment to the protection and implementation of the principle of gender equality and its commitment to relevant values both in its vision and in the code of ethics and disciplinary responsibility of the university, internal regulations and other documents. The university has developed a gender equality strategy and plan , which serves to ensure the in-depth and systematic implementation of the principle of gender equality and relevant values, both at the institutional and cultural levels of the university, in teaching, research and university management. A separate section of the plan is dedicated to strengthening the gender dimension in research programs. In the structure and approach of the gender equality plan, the main principles and recommendations of the Gender Equality Strategy of the European Commission (Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025) and the European Research Area (European Research Area) are taken into account, on the specifics of ensuring gender equality, both in the administrative, as well as in the fields of teaching, research and innovation. .
Kutaisi University has a center for the promotion of scientific and research activities and a research institute of economics. In order to promote the scientific and research activities of the academic staff of Kutaisi University, the university implements an internal grant research competition, within the framework of which the academic staff of the university has the opportunity to submit an application and receive funding for the implementation of a research project. In order to create a unified system of financing, to establish the trust of persons involved in scientific activities, to create transparent and impartial procedures, and to introduce the principles of rational spending of funds intended for financing researchers, the university adopted the "Research Financing Rule".
The refereed international scientific-practical journal "Economic Profile" (ISSN 1512-3901) founded by Kutaisi University has been published since 2006. Since 2017, the journal has been assigned an electronic international standard serial number (EISSN 2587–5310). Kutaisi University professor Niko Chikhladze has been the editor of the magazine since its inception. All publications are assigned a personal DOI identifier. The journal is indexed in leading international databases and its issues are placed in the digital library of the National Library of the Parliament of Georgia.